Visitor service
Škoda Auto Archive
Conference premises rental service
Café | Restaurant Václav
Michal Čermák
Restaurant service, individual reservations
Návštěvní služba
Where you can find us
Škoda Museum
tř. Václava Klementa 294
293 01 Mladá Boleslav
Škoda Museum
tř. Václava Klementa 294
293 01 Mladá Boleslav
How you can reach us
Parking is provided free of charge for visitors in the Škoda Museum's reserved parking lots. In case of full capacity, we recommend visitors to use the nearby parking.
Consider the possibility of arriving at the Škoda Museum by bus or train, Mladá Boleslav City bus and train stations are located a few steps from the museum.
Where you can find us
Škoda museum
Škoda Muzeumtř. Václava Klementa 294
293 01 Mladá Boleslav
Parking for visitors is free in the Škoda Museum carpark. In peak season, this carpark may be extremely busy. In such cases, visitors are recommended to use carparks near the Museum.Consider the possibility of arriving at the Škoda Museum by bus or train, Mladá Boleslav City bus and train stations are located a few steps from the museum.
Tel.: +420 326 832 038
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