

Navštivte Škoda Muzeum v Mladé Boleslavi. Pořádáme komentované i individuální prohlídky muzea, exkurze do výrobních provozů Škoda Auto.


Visit the Škoda Museum and Škoda Auto production plants. We offer guided as well as individual tours of the Museum and Škoda Auto production sites.

Visit the Škoda Museum and Škoda Auto production plants. We offer guided as well as individual tours of the Museum and Škoda Auto production sites, worksheet-aided tours for children and Museum tours for blind and visually impaired visitors. Excursions to the production shops and Škoda Museum guided tours need to be booked ahead.

For guided tours – please notify the staff at the Škoda Museum reception desk 10 minutes before the planned start. Your guide will meet you there.

Guides providing specialised commentary are available for the whole duration of the tour. We ask you to make use of our guides' foreign language skills in order to convey linguistically accurate and truthful information.

Tours are given in the following languages: Czech – English – French – German – Dutch – Russian

Tours reservations and e-tickets

To book a tour with a guide-provided commentary or buy an e-ticket, please use the online system:

Škoda Museum tours

We offer guided as well as individual tours of the Museum. As part of the tour, it is also possible to visit the prototype depository. Guided tours need to be booked ahead. Tours are given in the following languages: Czech – English – Polish – French – German – Dutch – Russian – Spanish. We ask you to make use of our guides' foreign language skills in order to convey linguistically accurate and truthful information.
The Museum tour can be combined with a tour of the Škoda Auto production plant in Mladá Boleslav.

Škoda Museum tour


The Škoda Museum can be visited individually without a guide at any time during opening hours. We also offer guided tours, which must be booked in advance. As part of the tour of the museum, it is also possible to visit the depository of prototypes.

Individual Tours

Individual tours are not guided and do not have to be booked in advance. You can visit the Museum at any time during opening hours – every day from 09:00 to 17:00 except on 24 Dec, 25 Dec, 26 Dec and 1 Jan.

Guided Tours

Guided tours need to be booked several weeks in advance. A standard tour takes 90 minutes (60 minutes Museum + 30 minutes Depository). Please notify the staff at the Škoda Museum reception desk 10 minutes before the planned start. Your guide will meet you there. Guides providing specialised commentary are available for the whole duration of the tour. 

Depository tour

The Depository is open during normal opening times by prior arrangement at the cash desk. Featuring a collection of prototypes and sports cars, the Depository is situated 150 metres from the Škoda Museum and the Škoda Customer Centre, and is not barrier-free.

Individual tours

Individual tours are not guided and do not have to be booked in advance. You can visit the Museum at any time during opening hours – every day from 09:00 to 17:00 except on 24 Dec, 25 Dec, 26 Dec and 1 Jan.

Guided Tours 

Guided tours need to be booked several weeks in advance. A standard tour takes 90 minutes (60 minutes Museum + 30 minutes Depository). The Museum tour can be combined with a tour of the Škoda Auto production plant in Mladá Boleslav.

Depository tour

The Depository is open during normal opening times by prior arrangement at the cash desk. Featuring a collection of prototypes and sports cars, the Depository is situated 150 metres from the Škoda Museum and the Škoda Customer Centre, and is not barrier-free. 

Other museum tours

Online tours

Explore the Škoda Museum exhibition from the comfort of your home and find more about the Škoda Auto heritage dating back to 1895.

Tours for children

The brand provides kindergarten and elementary-school groups with entertaining, worksheet-based tours (worksheets are age appropriate). More information about tours for kindergartens & schools and worksheet specimens are available below.

Visual impairments

Visually impaired visitors are welcome. To a large extent, the Museum is lit by daylight, and we therefore recommend coming at times when the daylight intensity is highest. Book your visit in advance and arrange the guided tour.

Tours for the media

Tours need to be booked in advance at the Press Department.
Please, contact:
Tel.: +420 730 867 534

Škoda Auto factory tours

Škoda Auto production plants in Mladá Boleslav, Vrchlabí and Kvasiny are opet to visitors. Tours are available upon prior reservation only.

We offer tours of the brand’s main plant in Mladá Boleslav, as well as the plants in Vrchlabí and Kvasiny. 

Excursions to the production shops need to be booked ahead.

Visitor groups are provided with headsets. Our professional guides provide a professional presentation and are available throughout the tour. To guarantee that you get appropriate information including correct terminology, you are kindly requested to rely on our guides rather than your own interpreters.

Age limit:
The excursion to a plant is possible only for persons over 10 years old. Visiting minors over the age of 10 may enter the Company’s premises only if accompanied by their legal representatives or by adults supervising the minors. The legal representative or the person supervising the minor(s) is obliged to properly supervise the minor’s conduct, to be continuously knowledgeable of their movement and to prevent any of their actions that could cause damage.

All visitor groups are provided with headsets – for information/comfort and safety reasons, high-visibility vests and goggles for the welding shop excursion.

Individual factory tours are not available. Visitors may enter the Company’s premises only in sturdy shoes without high heels. Individual factory tours are not possible.

Smoking is prohibited inside the Company’s premises as well as on marked plots.

It is not possible to visit production plants on holidays and days without a production program, especially on the following dates: 1. 5., 8. 5., 5. 7. - 21. 7., 28. 10. 2024, 21. 12. 2024 - 5. 1. 2025. 

Škoda Auto factory tours

Mladá Boleslav

Mladá Boleslav production site tours are available from Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00. Please book several days or even weeks in advance. The standard tour covering two production sites lasts 90 minutes. Technically-oriented groups are offered an extended programme. Please notify the staff at the Škoda Museum reception desk 10 minutes before the planned start. Your guide will meet you there.


Visitors have the chance to see the production of the brand’s modern gearboxes and the use state-of-the-art production and assembly technologies. 


The two-hour tour of the Kvasiny plant provides visitors with information about the past and present of this production site.

Škoda Auto factory tours

Mladá Boleslav

Prohlídky výrobních provozů v Mladé Boleslavi se pořádají od pondělí do pátku v době od 9 do 17 hodin. Prohlídku je nutné rezervovat předem. Délka standardní exkurze je 1,5 hodiny, kde navštívíte 2 výrobní provozy. Prohlídkové trasy se v průběhu roku mohou měnit a reagují na aktuální situaci v provozu. 


Visitors have the chance to see the production of the brand’s modern gearboxes and the use state-of-the-art production and assembly technologies. 


The two-hour tour of the Kvasiny plant provides visitors with information about the past and present of this production site and includes an excursion to the Welding Shop and Assembly line.

Prohlídky výrobních závodů

Mladá Boleslav

 Prohlídky výrobních provozů v Mladé Boleslavi se pořádají od pondělí do pátku v době od 9 do 17:00 hodin. Prohlídku je nutné rezervovat několik dnů až týdnů předem. Exkurze do závodu je možná pouze pro osoby od 10 let. Vstup do areálu společnosti je návštěvníkům povolen jen v pevné obuvi (plná pata, plná špice) bez podpatků. Podmínkou prohlídky závodu v Mladé Boleslavi je vlastní dopravní prostředek s volným místem pro průvodce (auto, minibus, autobus) pro přepravu mezi výrobními provozy. Pro skupiny do 7 osob poskytujeme po dohodě vlastní dopravu minibusem. Délka standardní exkurze je 1,5 hodiny, kde navštívíte 2 výrobní provozy. Prohlídkové trasy v rámci výrobního závodu v Mladé Boleslavi se v průběhu roku mohou měnit. Také reagují na aktuální (někdy nenadálou) situaci v provozu. Dostavte se, prosím 10 minut před plánovanou exkurzí na recepci Škoda Muzea, kde si Vás vyzvedne průvodce. Skupiny budou vybaveny sluchátky, výstražnými vestami a ochrannými brýlemi do svařovny. Rezervace zde.

Škoda Muzeum
tř. Václava Klementa 294,
293 01 Mladá Boleslav


Během exkurze ve výrobním závodě Škoda Auto ve Vrchlabí návštěvníci uvidí moderní výrobu převodovek a použití nejmodernějších technologií ve výrobě a montáži. Na prohlídku závodu ve Vrchlabí není potřeba dopravní prostředek. Prohlídku je nutné rezervovat předem. Exkurze do závodu je možná pouze pro osoby od 10 let. Vstup do areálu společnosti je návštěvníkům povolen jen v pevné obuvi (plná pata, plná špice) bez podpatků. Exkurze do závodu ve Vrchlabí se konají každé úterý v 9:00 a 10:00, či dle dohody s návštěvní službou viz. kontakt níže. Délka prohlídky je 75 minut. Kapacita skupiny je 30 osob. Prohlídky se konají pouze v českém jazyce. Zahájení exkurze je na vstupní bráně do závodu, kde si skupinu převezme průvodce. Sraz je 10 minut před začátkem exkurze. Rezervace zde.

Škoda Auto a.s. závod Vrchlabí
Dělnická 531
543 18 Vrchlabí


Během dvouhodinové exkurze ve výrobním závodě v Kvasinách se návštěvníci seznámí s historií i současnosti výrobního závodu, zpřístupněny jsou provozy svařovny a montáže. Prohlídky se pořádají od pondělí do pátku v  10:00 a 13:00 délka prohlídky je cca 2 hodiny. Maximální kapacita skupiny je 20 osob. Prohlídka je možná v českém a německém jazyce. Na prohlídku závodu v Kvasinách není potřeba dopravní prostředek. Prohlídku je nutné rezervovat předem. Zahájení exkurze je na bráně č. 1 (příjezd od kruhového objezdu), kde si skupinu převezme průvodce. Sraz na 1. bráně je 10 minut před zahájením exkurze. Exkurze je možná i bez dopravního prostředku, parkování je možné u 1. brány.  Rezervace zde.

Škoda Auto a.s. závod Kvasiny
Kvasiny 145
517 02 Kvasiny
Česká republika

Tour reservations and e-tickets

To book a tour with a guide-provided commentary or buy an e-ticket, please use the online system



Visitor service

Tour reservations

Visitor service

Tour reservations

Reception and shop

Škoda Museum reception

Where you can find us

Škoda Museum
tř. Václava Klementa 294
293 01 Mladá Boleslav
Phone: +420 326 832 038

How you can reach us

Parking is provided free of charge for visitors in the Škoda Museum's reserved parking lots. In case of full capacity, we recommend visitors to use the nearby parking.
Example Link Navigate
Consider the possibility of arriving at the Škoda Museum by bus or train, Mladá Boleslav City bus and train stations are located a few steps from the museum.
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Where you can find us

Škoda museum


Škoda Muzeum
tř. Václava Klementa 294
293 01 Mladá Boleslav
GPS: 50,4188056N, 14,9138750E


Parking for visitors is free in the Škoda Museum carpark. In peak season, this carpark may be extremely busy. In such cases, visitors are recommended to use carparks near the museum.
Consider the possibility of arriving at the Škoda Museum by bus or train, Mladá Boleslav City bus and train stations are located a few steps from the museum.


Tel.: +420 326 832 038

Example Link
Škoda Museum contacts
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